I believe in this light I see


Saturday, March 14, 2009

IM IN THE CHALET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes... the chalet is HUGE!!!!!!! Its bigger than i remember...
Yup, Yup, I am in the mood to start screaming and say: " I AM GOING TO STAY IN THE CHALET 4EVA AND NEVER GO AWAY!" As it is right now, my friend-Valerie and my annoying twerp, Ashley is yelling at me for writing their names on this oh-so-lovely-blog. They are also laughing at my spelling mistakes. Yup, and they're denying it too. But nevertheless, i shall post this. TOO BAD TO THEM. Buahahahahahahha.
The mosquitoes are driving me nuts. And its like, hot.... i NEED a COLD REDJELL-O. or Ben and Jerry's. Is your mouth watering? Cuz' mine is.
I reAllY HaVe t Go NoW. Because a certain SoME peOple are asking me this question:"ARE you going to post it NOW????????????" *glares at a certain SomE peOple.*

I'll post tonight. When i hv the chance to watch MY anime and drama. *sigh*

SiGniNg oFf 4 NoW,
Happy March Holidays! ^^