I believe in this light I see


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Well, waddya know ? I broke my promise to write later that night. BUT, I have reasons!! Because (1) I was TiReD.
(2) I was watching Cartoon Network.
(3) Did You Know that Cartoon Network has REALLY GOOD cartoons? Like, uh, Billy and the Grim, or something along that lines. Oh, and POwerPuF GIrls was showing too, you know. Which person can resist watching the PowerPuffs?
(4) I wasn't ALLOWED to use the computer anymore.

(5)But, come on, what is THE POINT of bringing a laptop if ur not
allowed to use it? I mean, the only Reasons they made computers was for little kids like us to Play, right?

Oh, enough with that. Lets just get on with the stay at the chalet. On Day Two, we WERE supposed to go swimming. Only the pool had installed some ridiculous rules about guests having to pay two dollars. EACH. and no discounts for the widdle babies too. *GRRR* But, never mind. Something BIGGER and BETTER was about to happen. (NO, a shark did NOT fly out of the sea and land into the swimming pool. People, which shark can FLY? Although THAT would have provided entertainment.) We decided to go to a MUCH, MUCH, MUCH nicer pool. The only catch was we had to walk home in the sweltering sun and collect our bathing things. let me show u a few Reasons(again ), why this is never a good idea.
  1. When u wear an ultra large t-shirt that covers up the shorts u wear underneath, you feel both (1) hot and sweaty,(2) a complete, excuse the language, uh, S-L-U-T.
  2. Bring ur own umbrella next time, because SOME ppl, are just too stingy to share it with you.
  3. Your own parents may change their idea once they step into a "AHHHHH!! THIS IS SOOO REFRESHING!!!!" aircon room and decide not to bring to that MUCH, MUCH, MUCH nicer pool and just stay at that "AHHHHH!! THIS IS SOOO REFRESHING" aircon room to watch movies.
Yup, that is EXACTLY what happened. NOt that im complaining or anything. Journey to the Center of the Earth is quite nice movie to watch, you know.
Anyways, we watched the movies and ate lunch.We didnt notice anything outside the oh-my-god-this-is-my-first-time-seeing-a-whole-made-out-of-glass-door, until my mother happened to look out and say in surprise,"Oh. Look. It looks like its gonna rain." Well,
there goes the plan to play in a nice nice pool. But, leave it up to the grownups to make something out of this weather. First they- ok, to cut the long story short, we did something that is a TABOO in most grownups book. NO, we did not have a a competition to see who can stay awake watching the most no of movies. And NOOOO, we most definetely did NOT go running up and down the street naked. THats still NO. 1 on the grownups TABOO book. We simply donned our swimming costumes and played in the rain for a gloriuos 10 minutes. HAH. nothing beats that, right?? yah, ok so it was cold and wet and only for ten minutes but it was FUN. I swear, my Friend's Mom almost had an heart attack. YOu shoulda seen her expression!! Not that my Friend cared, really. She was the first one to run headfirst in the rain.
ok, its really late at night. I mean really. I'll fill you guys up with other nice stuff that i did during the hols. Hahas. ^^

Sleeping off,
Oooh, D
ang, its the End of The March Hols!