I believe in this light I see


Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Yesterday was Officially the end of block tests!!!!! Wah, Im sooo Happy!!!! YAy! So now i can just sit back and relax~
i "accidentally" went to watch the races for CSM,actually i was supposed to train in Nanyang, but i got pulled over to train in hwa chong instead... Oh YAH! OMG lah, Ms Teo was wearing some pink colour bl
oommers...gosh,she looked so different!! haha ok, anyway back to the topic...
my seniors ran yesterday... wahlao, watching them makes me feel so pathetic lah, pls. We (me and my batchmates) were watching them r
un the 1500... Valerie and Shu Yan wanted to cheer them on, so while doing our drills(on the top of the stairs) we had to rush down like crazy and cheer ( specifically: they cheered, i laughed and then i caught up in the mood then i screamed XDD)....

When: ??:??pm, 05050
Where: Hwa Chong Track

Who: Celetse, Shu Yan, Valerie, Qi Min, Me
Why: Training (supposedly), Cheering (Last Minute Decision)
How: We walked over.....duh
What: *watching seniors run last round for 1500....Shin Yun passes* "GO SHIN YUN!!!" *Valerie close behind* "GO VALERIE!!!" * the third gi
rl passes* "........" *Rachel Passes* "GO RACHEL!!"...."RACHELL! RAAACHHHEEEEL!!!!!!!"*she realizes a girl is (RIGHT) behind her and runs faster. She finshes 4th! yay^^*

haha~ thats all we did at hw
a chong...we didnt even finish our training! ehehe
today the math blck test was easy... BUT WHY CAN ALL MY FRIENDS FINSH IN LIKE LESS THAN ONE HR?? WAHLAO, TH
EY'RE ROBOTS AR? CHAO SMART LEH!!! i took one hr to finsh it.... then i wrote it on the board. after that the person on duty nvr erase...... Ms Teo saw it!!!!!!! then she asked who was the one who wrote it... i raised my hand...she looked so surprised, like this :O, then she asked "REALLY??" then i was like "yeah..." she started nodding her head and smiling like she was going to laugh.... WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN? HUUUH? Good or bad? :/

Okay moving on~

TODAY. WAHLAO, today was so damn crappy lah....wth......
okay, nvm, i just read someones blog.....my day isnt that crappy after all......hehe
but i dunno if its true.......hmmmmm...... aiyah, nvm mind, ill just ask. :]
ARGH.....i got competition tmr, im starting to regret ever letting them persuade me. :(
OMG, im such an idiot lah.........my sister came to squeeze into
my room cuz my parents went out...then she started to complain about the bloody light being to bright... so i just offed it...then i continued to read blogs, then i came back to finish up this post....i was typing in the dark and completely forgot that my room had another (night) light and i was fumbling in the darkness....MG, i very stupid lah....
huh. im in no mood to post liao.......the blog im reading is making me feel so damn sad..... wah, she very 惨 eh!!! but shes nvr mentioned it b
efore in other posts, i dunno if its true.....i hope shes coping well if its true!!!!! OMG....><>
*the sky is crying...and so am i... When will u come back?

< Missing you bad>